#1 Kid of the year
All Growed Up / I'm 5 and I'm all growed up now!
All's fair in MUD and WAR
(mud pies, mud fight)
Back to basics
The balance of power
Busy Body
(child with lots of energy)
Can't smile without you!!
(child smiling with no teeth - teeth missing - crying child)
Chatterbox / Jabberwalkee
(kids talking to each other - on the phone)
Children are living jewels dropped unstained from heaven.
Children fill our lives with sunshine and our hearts with love.
Cute as a Bug/Button
Cutie Pie / Cutie π
(arrange pictures in a pie shape)
Don't make her get the flying monkeys!!!
- Wizard of Oz reference
Down Load (toilet training)
Family Game Night
Freckles and stripes Speckles and spots
The nicest of creatures love polka-dots
The dappled giraffe stands on delicate legs
And thrushes and swallows lay speckled eggs
Nature is fondest of stripes, spots and speckles.
And that is the reason I don't mind my freckles.
Fun is contagious!
The fundamental job of a toddler is to run your Universe.
Give a little love to a child and you get a great deal back in return.
- John Ruskin
Good/Great Reads
(favorite books and reviews off Amazon.com)
Good Things come in small packages
Growing by leaps and bounds
(trampoline, jumping, frogs, kangaroos,
doorway `Johnny'jumper)
Growing like a weed
(growth chart, garden, watering can)
Hands On
Having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.
Hooked on books
(favorite books and reviews off Amazon.com)
How do you measure UP?
(growth chart, ruler page)
I am a child of God
I just gradgeated from sandbox
I promise that I'm up to no good.
- Harry Potter
I tried being good but I got bored.
It's just you and me kid!
The joy of discovery . . . just open your mind and soak it all in!
Kids at Play
Kid Stuff
Kids Happen
Kid Time
King of the sand box
The laughter of children is an international language
Litl' Leaguer
Little People Rule!!
Look what's sprouting up.
Measure My/Our Growth
Measuring our progress
(report cards/growth chart)
Mischief managed
- Harry Potter
More Precious than gold
Mud Puddles & Dandelions
When I look at a patch of dandelions,
I see a bunch of weeds that are going to take over my yard.
My kids see flowers for Mom and blowing white fluffs you can wish on.
When I see a old dumping ground, I wish someone would clean it up.
I look at the hollowed out cars, refrigerators, and boxes
and then I look away.
My kids see castles, great ships and fun and they want to stay.
When I hear music I love, I know I can't carry a tune and don't have much rhythm
so I sit self-consciously and listen.
My kids feel the beat and move to it.
They sing out the words.
If they don't know them, they make up their own.
When I feel wind on my face, I brace myself against it.
I feel it messing up my hair and pulling me back when I walk.
My kids close their eyes, spread their arms and fly with it,
until they fall to the ground laughing.
When I pray, I say thee and thou and grant me this, give me that.
My kids say, "Hi God!
Thanks for my toys and my friends.
Please keep the bad dreams away tonight.
Sorry, I don't want to go to Heaven yet.
I would miss my Mommy and Daddy."
When I see a mud puddle I step around it.
I see muddy shoes and dirty carpets.
My kids sit in it.
They see dams to build, rivers to cross and worms to play with.
I wonder if we are given kids to teach or to learn from?
No wonder God loves the little children!!
Enjoy the little things in life,
for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
My wish to you - Mud Puddles and Dandelions,
and may God bless this day and all days for you.
"Love doesn't make the world go 'round.
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
Never underestimate a child's ability to get into trouble.
The one thing children wear out faster then their shoes, is their parents.
- John J Plomp
The pick of the litter … Mom always liked you best!
- common line from the Smothers Brothers
Play as you go plan
Same shirt-different day -new dirt
Same shirt -different day -gonna get dirty anyway
Say, say, oh playmate,
Come out and play with me
And bring your dollies three
Climb up my apple tree
Shout down my rain barrel
Slide down my cellar door
And we'll be jolly friends
Forever more
Say, say, oh playmate
I cannot play with you
My dolly's got the flu
Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo
Ain't got no rain barrel
Ain't got no cellar door
But we'll be jolly friends
Forever more
See how they grow.
So let them be little 'cause they're only that way for a while
Give them hope, give them praise, give them love every day
Let them cry, let them giggle, let them sleep in the middle
Oh just let them be little
THAT'S IT! I'm going to Grandma's.
There would be fewer spoiled children if you could just spank the grandparents.
There's nothing wrong with teenagers that reasoning with won't aggravate.
They seem like little things to talk about--our children,
but little things often make up the sum of human life …
little things often produce great things.
- Mark Twain
Time Marches On
This joint is jumpin'
(frogs, kangaroos, kids)
Sibling's/Toddler's Rules::
If I like it it's MINE
If it's in my hand it's MINE
If it looks like mine it's MINE
If I think it's mine it's MINE
And everything else is Mine Too!
Stand back and watch me grow
(flowers, plants, tree)
We are the world, we are the children
- Lyonal Richie,
and Quincy Jones
What if the Hokey-Pokey is REALLY what it's all about?
You are never far from thought and always close to heart.
You should never say no to a gift from a child.
Your own offspring sometimes teaches you reason.
- the Talmud
Titles by age:
I am 1 and my story's just begun /and I like having fun/i'm playing in the sun
(fun, sun, ain't nearly done, run, ton)
Then came 2 and what a silly zoo.
(got gobs of goo, know how to moo, ain't nothin' I can't do)
Now I'm 2 / "Two" big for my britches!/ baby stuff!
This is me and I am 3. / 3 came fast and what a blast.
(see, sea, fee, free, knee,)
I am 4 and I'm growing more and more. / Here come 4 and I'm ready for more.
( door, bore, more, score, snore,)
Fine at 5 and that's no jive. / I made it to 5, glad I'm alive.
Finally five, When can I drive? (five, alive, hive, dive, drive, high)
Now I'm 6, I help Daddy/Mommy fix. (pix, licks, sticks, kicks, bricks)
Seven is pure Heaven, but when is eleven?
Eight is great! I can hardly wait.
I am nine and feeling mighty fine. / Nine feels fine.
I think I'll put up a sign. (dine, dime, grind, line, whine, sign)