Are you sure you want short hair?
Auburn Beauty
Bad Hair Day - ware a hat
Bad Hair Day? -- I don't think so!
You never have a bad hair day when you don't have ANY.
(bald baby or man)
Bald at birth -- Bald revisited
Bald is Beautiful. Just ask Micheal Jordon, Patrick Stewart, Bruce Willis, and Mr. Magoo.
The Battle of the Bald - I think it's a losing battle in this case.
Beard Poem
Here's my beard.
Ain't it weird?
Don't be sceered,
Just a beard.
- George Carlin
Big Hairy Deal
Blond Bombshell
Buzzzz Cut - Buzzzz Saw - What's the Buzzzzz?
Crazy Curl
Crazy Hair Day
Curly Locks
Cutting the Curls
Did you get your hair cut? NO, I got them all cut!
Did you get your hair cut? Which one?
Do you really want to do that?
The First Hair Cut
(don't forget to save a lock of hair)
The Few, The Proud, The Bald
(use khaki or camouflage paper)
[Person's name] Gets a buzzz!
God made some of us perfect - the rest of us He gave hair.
Golden Girl
Goldy Locks
Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire
(Red Head)
Gray is the New Blond
Great Do Dude!
Hair? What hair?
(bald baby or man)
Hair Poem:
I'm aware some may stare at my hair.
In fact, to be fair, Some really despair of my hair.
But I don't care, Cause they're not aware,
Nor are they debonair. In fact, they're just square.
They see hair down to there, Say, "Beware" and go off on a tear!
I say, "No fair!" A head that's bare is really nowhere.
So be like a bear, be fair with your hair! Show it you care.
Wear it to there. Or to there. Or to there, if you dare!
My wife bought some hair at a fair, to use as a spare.
Did I care? Au contraire! Spare hair is fair! In fact, hair can be rare.
Fred Astaire got no hair, Nor does a chair, Nor a chocolate éclair,
And where is the hair on a pear? Nowhere, mon frere!
So now that I've shared this affair of the hair,
I'm going to repair to my lair and use Nair, do you care?
- George Carlin
I'm not vain. I always look this good!!
I've got BED HEAD
(colicky hair from sleeping)
Our Little Fireball
(Red Head)
Rag Mop / Rag-a-Muffin
R A G G M O P P Ragmop!
- written by Ames Brothers 1963
Red Head: carrot top / fireball / stop light
Sheered like a Sheep
Static Cling
(use lightning bolt for the t's and l)
Struggling Hair Farmer
(someone who is losing the battle of the bald)
An up do !
Wacky/Wayout Wigs
What a great Do!
What did you do to your hair?
Wish you were HAIR!
You got your ears lowered I see.
You look 10 years younger!
(get before and after w/picture-10yrs young)
-- Use acid-free envelopes, paper, or plastic, and keep hair out of direct sunlight.